Worlds within worlds
Is the space now being called Dark Matter and Energy the same as the space we call our mind?
Welcome to my world. Won't you come on in? Miracles, I guess, Still happen now and then.

The word mystic can have many definitions. The definition used here is : a person who has experienced realities beyond the normal scientific understanding. This can include faith healing, out-of the body experiences, multiple dimensions, telepathy, and … Such experiences encourage belief in intuitive awareness and in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect. Grounding can be an essential survival skill for mystics like me. Welcome to my world. The mystic, or mystical, is not necessarily ecstasy nor mysterious and definitely not something against the actual laws of nature.

What connects energy, matter, dark energy. dark matter, consciousness and in-formation ? What does holograms and fractals have in common? This site explores those concepts and more from three points of view. 1. Reviewing what others have presented or published. 2. Sharing the excitement found in different concepts and 3. Sharing one grounded mystics experiences and points of view.
Archetypes are important and varied. The root words mean "original" and "pattern", model, or type. The study of archetypes is incomplete without studying symbol systems such as astrology, mythology, tarot, mathematics, sacred geometry, numerology, Kabbalah, and more. . Superficial understanding of symbol systems can be associated with superstition when used without balance.. We do not want to lose the essence of the symbol system's meaning. Understanding our own growth cycles and processes is meaningful.
“The "whole in every part" nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has labored under the bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts. A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach.” by Michael Talbot “The Universe as a Hologram” Copy from
Have you experienced realities beyond the normal scientific understanding. This can include faith healing, out-of the body experiences, multiple dimensions, telepathy, and … Such experiences encourage belief in intuitive awareness and in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect. Grounding can be an essential survival skill for mystics - and others too. Welcome to my world.
Welcome to my world - another verse.
Knock and the door will open Seek and you will find Ask and you'll be given The key to this world of mine
Music reaches my soul - at least some music does.
— The second verse Knock and the door will open Seek and you will find Ask and you'll be given The key to this world of mine The second verse appeals to belief in nature’s laws. These lyrics are partially taken from the Sermon on the Mount. Some Mystics are understandably uncomfortable with systems of authority, especially the dogma's of religious systems. Yet beauty and truth is also found in most religions too.
Mystical theology focuses on experiences or states of the soul which are experienced mystically and not produced by human effort. Mysticism is also sometimes defined as a spiritual discipline used to make contact with the divine. This site shares concepts from various religious sources.

Music Cognition

When we listen to some music, our brains release dopamine, which in turn makes us happy. Why is this ?  As humans we love patterns.  Music is a pattern.  Some say music is a form of speech.

Daniel Levitin says “your brain on music is a way to understand the deepest mysteries of human nature.”

Our five senses can’t provide answers to the great questions of life, they only provoke further queries… yet they are the core of our physical awareness.

"If I can make it in this life, so can you!"

Peter is my name. I am the ragged, lop-sided, asymmetrical being in this painting. I accompanied our Grounded Mystic through life's challenges while maintaining a strong belief in our survival in life.
~ Grounded Mystic
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