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The Celestine Prophecy James Redfield published1993

There are books that play a significant part in my life and this is one of them.

I don’t remember if I already knew that we are energy instead of solid matter because of experiences earlier in my life or was this book the first to provide the energy language.

The story tells about a manuscript believed to be written in the language of much of old testament) about 600 BC, found in the 1990’s and predicting spiritual revolution starting in late 20th Century because enough of us would be attracted to changing our lives that our civilization would change.

In the 1970’s I was attracted to Astrology and experienced seeing auras, telepathy, and other metaphysics events.  It was good but family and societal pressures had lead to working more than a full time job while working on a master’s degree by the 1990’s.   Those action later secured an appropriate retirement.  Today I tend to think of it as looking for energy and fulfillment in all the wrong places. 

The First insight explains a profound sense of restlessness which many of us have in life while feeling there is something more.   This something more was demonstrated as we become conscious of the increasing coincidences pointing to potential for more fulfilling experiences & relationships.

“We are sensing again, as in childhood, that there is another side of life to discover.”   Taking what seems like coincidences seriously.  

The Second Insight presents a view of history to explain how we got to where we are. The Celestine Prophecy starts with the middle ages where the Church had taken power and claimed the church was the connection with God or spirituality – the only legitimate connection.  In the 14th and 15th centuries church improprieties and Martin Luther led to each person becoming able to access scriptures. With the 16th century and learning the Sun and planets not circling around earth as church had proclaimed we entered the Modern ages. Scientists became our explorers into the meaning of life. But science had not discovered the meaning of life (or at least not presented it in a way we understood).  So we struggled with a feeling of meaningless!

The Third Insight shows the physical world is a vast energy system.  This energy is part of a continuum on the same spectrum as beauty and love.  More presence, more shape, more vividness of color when we are connected with it. The third insight claims that our expectation and beliefs do make a difference in what happens in out lives.

The scientific had discovered going back into the early 1900’s with Einstien’s E=MC2 but we, everyday people and leaders did not understand the quantum world that was being discovered.  (The atomic world was, and is, more open to visibility.  Now scientists are recognizing another world, or worlds, in our world. )

The fourth Insight was how humans compete for energy.  Our competing for energy is the driving force behind everything.  Love, greed, envy, lust, anger and war.  We have cut ourselves off from energy sources so we try to steal others energy.

The Fifth Insight  is the universe can provide all the energy we need if we open up to it! For most Mystic consciousness is an intellectual concept but some of us have experienced flashes or glimpses of this state of mind.   This is a key to ending human conflict – we have clue of receiving energy from another source.   It has been going on unconsciously for centuries.  Now energy and its impact is more conscious.   Appreciation and/or love is a hugely important key to build this healthy state of being.

The Sixth insight requires facing our particular way of controlling others and recognizing control dramas.

ReInterpreting our past and our family’s interactions is an effective tool to change.   Ways of control:  Intimidator (threatening to have control): Poor me/guilt/your not doing enough of what you should; Aloof or mysterious; and Interrogator.  By recognizing our own dramas we become free to get clear on who we really are and understanding others.  

The book suggests looking at our whole life as one long story to find a higher meaning.  Realizing why we were born to our particular family can lead to finding clear awareness of our spiritual path.

Mom believed she was not lovable and hell is here on earth.  She wanted to go to church  but her mother and husbands did not. She was a community leader in doing service.  Did believe could worship in a pasture.  She was an Interrogator

Dad was into family control.  No verbal sharing.  He did not trust people who could communicate. He did not relate well to woman except for wanting sex. He was the mystery/aloof individual. 

I felt I needed to keep the family together by doing/and being who they wanted.  I felt lots of anger. Studied religions and practiced. I wanted the space within my skin and did not feel I had that.  When I am able to expand my energy pattern (usually in nature by myself), I feel in right order. 

“The truth you are pursuing is as important as the evolution of the universe.”

It is by building on the basic process of our family that we keep spiritual evolving after we become aware that we are energy. 

The Seventh Insight  is that when we are self-absorbed we cut ourselves off from the universal energy source.  Basically we are energy. This energy source has been called God or love yet the name keeps getting used till a path of connecting becomes blocked or hidden.   

A key is that our smaller questions in the present lead us to to our larger direction/purpose. We get a hunch about our next step. We start getting our questions right.  We become more alert and watchful.  The “coincidences” come.

When we stay in state of (“love”).  The energy flowing out of you attracts an energy as great!   Our sense of beauty and viewing iridescence can point to the right way for us.  Our world needs to consciously evolve.

This process works as long as I stay consciously aware of it!

Each insight felt right then (in 1990’s) and now.

The Eighth Insight is that we can aid others so they can bring us the answers we seek.   When thoughts come ask why.  Why that particular thought. It prepares us for the next thought or insight.  Step into the Observer role.  Stop fear thoughts as they take energy away.   Once we stop the habit of fear coming regularly then when they show up – take them seriously.

This eighth Insight is telling me to send good energy not only to strangers but to those that I do not trust or like in order to bring out the messages that I need to be aware of.   I don’t want to.  I will start with more neutral individuals.

The ninth Insight is where this spiritual evolution will take us. 

I accept being able to leave our physical bodies behind.  I have seen people where I can see through them so that makes sense.  However the book has an intermediary point of perhaps a thousand years for the majority.