Universal patterns of human experience can be seen in archetypes that are deeply ingrained in the human psyche. They can be a universal language. We can work with them to achieve greater self awareness, healing and growth .
These primordial images are patterns, symbols, and facts that come out of the collective unconscious. – Archetypes are containers that hold powerful patterns of symbols, stories, myths, and metaphors.
By investigating the archetypal patterns “we can access deeper levels of insight, wisdom, and creative energy, and gain a level of understanding that exists beyond the limits of the rational, linear mind. The spark of insight that can come from connecting to an archetype can ultimately help us hone in on the essential truth about a matter. And when we connect to our essential truth, we are that much more whole.”
https://healthypsych.com/archetypes-what-they-are-and-how-they-help-us-grow/ viewed Aug 5, 2018
The study of archetypes is incomplete without studying symbol systems such as astrology, mythology, tarot, mathematics, sacred geometry, numerology, Kabbalah, and more. . Superficial understanding of symbol systems can be associated with superstition when used without balance.. We can lose the essence of the symbol system’s meaning. Important purposes include understanding our own growth cycles and processes in a meaningful and conscious way and confirmation that life is not random and not without meaningful connections.
Archetypal energy manifests differently for every individual according to their own level of maturity and life lessons. In ignoring or avoiding studying archetypal symbol we systems, we risk staying in the dark about some dimensions of spiritual and emotional processes.