I am part of nature

Jul. 12, 2018 by

I am part of Nature.  The elements are my relatives. Other humans are my siblings, The earth and the sky are my parents. The sun and moon are my Grandparents, and the stars my ancestors. I have my own special

Ways Dolphin Communicate

Jul. 10, 2018 by

Do Dophins communicate holograms ? Recently scientists have made a significant breakthrough in inter-species communication. Researchers in the UK and USA have proved that the clicking sounds dolphins use for echolocation actually form reproducible holographic pictures that the researchers suggest

Site based on

Jul. 9, 2018 by

I walk with Jesus, practice Buddhism, was raised with Masonic teaching, study Rosicrucian teachings and more – all flow together. This site is based on: ever-growing awareness,      an appreciation for richness & beauty,          the